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5 must have in a Smartphone

Although most people nowadays possess basic knowledge of smartphones but a few of them are fully aware and go wrong when selecting a smartphone. I have prepared a quick list of features and specifications that must not be overlooked if you are seriously looking for a value for money product.

Minimum 8 GB Internal Memory

Internal memory in smartphone performs similar function as hard disk drive does in computers. Android smartphones running on latest versions i.e. 5.0 and above have about 2 GB of internal memory utilized by operating system itself. Then there are system essential applications that take up quite a lot of space as with time they grow their size by collecting data. Some apps has a limitation that they can only be installed to internal memory and some cannot even be moved to external storage.Therefore 4 GB internal memory or lower is a strict no. Don't get trapped by those ads on TV and newspaper that try to sell crap for discount.

Processor with decent clock speed

Performance will go dull if processor is unable to handle system and user processes. A processor with higher clock speed (measured in hz) will be a better performer. There is no need of more cores (CPU'S) as they will sit idle most of the time.

RAM of 1 GB and higher

The more the better formula really does work with RAM. All the system and user processes and applications need a place to load and reside and this is handled by ram. Smartphones with lesser RAM will tend to lag and subject to app crashes and screen freezes.

High storage battery

The more the better formula also works with battery storage but battery performance also depends on manufacturing quality. Still a battery of 2000 MAH and above can be considered as sufficient.

Energy efficient Chipset

Newer chipsets (maybe any brand) are getting more efficient in terms of power utilization. A well built chipset will heat lesser and thus utilize lesser battery and would be better for over all usage.

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