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What is operating system?

An operating system is set of programs used to manage all the hardware and and software resources of computer and provide a platform for application software to run over it. It performs all basic tasks like recognizing input from mouse and key board, send output to monitor, manage files and folders on hard disk. It controls peripheral devices such and printers and scanners. Simply saying it is a program that facilitates your interaction with computer.

Popular computer operating systems are Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Android, iOS and windows-phone OS are for smartphones and tablets.

Types of operating systems

Multi user : These operating system allows two or more user to run programs simultaneously.

Multitasking : These operating system can run more than one program concurrently.

Multi threading : It enables multiple parts of single program at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. […] running on latest versions i.e. 5.0 and above have about 2 GB of internal memory utilized by operating system itself. Then there are system essential applications that take up quite a lot of space as with […]


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