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How to type in Hindi easily

Hindi typing is not a easy task and one needs do a lot of practice to type in those letters because unlike English, Hindi is more complex when it comes to typing. This article will show you a really cool way to make this task fun instead. After you have read and followed the procedure typing in Hindi will be a easy task.All you need to know is how to type Hinglish.

Here is how to

  1. Go to following link Google input tools for windows
  2. Now select Hindi from the menu of languages and click to agree on terms and finally click on download.

  3. InpuToolsSetup.exe will get downloaded, Install it.

  4. After successful installation of google input tools, click on start and type in language.

  5. Click on Region and Language.

  6. Region and Language dialog box will open.

  7. Click on Keyboards and Languages.

  8. Click on Change Keyboards.

  9. A nested dialog box will open. Click on Add.

  10. Select Hindi > Keyboard.

  11. Select Google Input Tools check box and then OK.

  12. Click on EN (symbol for English) on the task bar. Select Hindi.

Open a word file or start typing into your browser say word "Hindi" it will appear  like  this.

You can choose either of options for correct spelling,usually first option is correct one. It works on Facebook ,Twitter as well. Now don't think just try it and leave your queries in comment section below.

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